Balloon preparation

With long-term operation of the cylinders, it is often necessary to prepare them for further filling. In our company you can order this service in full confidence that the work will be done by experienced specialists.

Why is it necessary to prepare gas cylinders

From the inside, a container containing gas with condensate is covered with a layer of rust over time. This can lead to clogging of filters, damage to equipment and other negative consequences. Timely and proper preparation eliminates these problems.

The scope of work on the preparation of cylinders for further refueling includes the following activities:

  • degassing – removal of contents from the container, including air;
  • use of reagents for cleaning the inner surface;
  • machining of the inner walls;
  • painting of containers to meet the requirements of GOST;
  • testing and certification.

Where can I order the service

To check, prepare and certify cylinders as soon as possible, please contact our company. We also offer the sale of technical gas in cylinders, rental and refueling. An application can be left right now using the appropriate form on the site. If you are interested in more detailed information, leave your contacts in the form below, so that we call you back and consult.


The cost of preparing cylinders

Cylinder Cost of preparation
10 L cylinder 1,000 r
40 L cylinder 1,200 r
50 L cylinder 1,300 r

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Shop on Dynamo (Moscow):
st. Krasnoarmeyskaya d. 4 p. 3
8 (495) 660-9482
8 (916) 5555-687
from 9-00 to 20-00
without breaks and days off

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